Either option is valid, it just depends on your goal. The 1st option focuses on pushing more weight while the 2nd one is a about putting on more muscle mass in the right places. A mesomorph can go two ways, gain more muscle mass and gain lean muscle mass. This body type also has lots more of muscular endurance.

Mesomorphs have it easy when it comes to building muscle mass. This somatotype is what ectos are working toward and for good reason. With a faster metabolism you’re going to burn calories quickly when you do aerobic activities, giving you more troubles when it comes to building muscle mass.
#Ecto mesomorph muscle type how to
Learn how to control and maximize your intensity and make every rep count.Įctomorphs also have a faster metabolism compared to other somatotypes. With that being said, try to avoid excessive amounts of aerobic activity such as running, swimming and other sports. Your program should lean toward heavy weight and low reps. Ectomorphs have the most trouble gaining muscle mass so make sure you grind out the form of your exercises and have them imprinted in your head to maximize the growth in muscle mass. If you do that you are going to kill your gains. In my experience skinny Ectomorphs usually bite off more than they can chew, meaning they try to move lots of weight even if they can’t handle it. Include plenty of power/ballistic movements in your program that focus on building maximum muscle. In the gym Ectomorphs are focused on muscle mass development, hypertrophy. Use weight gain products (Mass Gainers) and/or Protein drinks, if necessary, in order to hit your protein goals every day. your diet should consist of a good amount of protein. All you do when you dirty bulk is prolong the amount of time it takes to hit your goal and increase your metabolism, which makes it easier to lose weight.Įctomorph should be focused on Heavy (not dirty) or lean Bulking, nutrition and diets are extremely important for this somatotype. You’re going to have to eat more than you are accustomed to. Dirty bulking, believe it or not, is a type of Fad diet where you eat as much as you can, no matter if it’s, sugars, fatty foods or sodas and juices, in order to put on weight and muscles at the same time. Although this method may work for some people, I wouldn’t recommend it. Most ectomorphs I’ve met try to dirty bulk in an attempt to gain weight and cut down into a more comfortable weight once they’ve achieved a desirable muscle mass. They experience more trouble gaining muscle mass and sometimes have to force themselves to eat in order to meet macro goals. The typical goal for an Ectomorph is to gain mass, preferably muscle mass. All body types will develop by proper training along w/ a good diet but individuals with different body types should have a different training approach. The weightlifting fundamentals still apply to all somatotypes and what works for one person may not work for the other guy/woman. A more rounded figure overall and this body type carries more fat compared to muscle. Mesomorphs muscles are bigger and bulkier but they don’t carry that sharp, defined look as compared to Ectomorph.Įndomorph- Soft musculature, round face, short neck, wide hips, and heavy fat storage. A body type meant to lift lots of weight and usually carry a higher fat percentage but tends to look rather lean with clothes on. Mesomorph- Large chest, long torso, solid musculature, and great strength. High muscle to fat ratio, small body fat percentage This type of musculature structure is synonymous with a lean body. Ever wondered what type of body you have? In this article we will go over and help you understand the 3 main body types and along w/ that we will show you how to optimize your workouts based on your body type.Įctomorph- Characterized by a short upper body, long arms and legs, long and narrow feet and hands, and very little fat storage narrowness in the chest and shoulders, their muscles tend to be long and thin.